Membership in the Upstate Republican Women is open to any Republican woman interested in promoting the objectives and policies of the Republican Party.
How to join
Yearly membership dues are $30, which includes notices of the monthly luncheons and other Republican events, a newsletter, web access to the NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women) newsletter, and membership in the SCFRW (state) and NFRW (national) organizations. Members may vote on club business, hold office, and represent the club at SCFRW and NFRW conventions.
Associate membership is $25 and is open to men and members of other Republican women’s groups.
A check for $25 should be made payable to URW. Please mail your membership application and check to URW, P.O. Box 26342, Greenville, SC 29616.
Suzette Jordan, President
Linda Garner, Vice President
Susanne Jensen, Secretary
Jo Weathers, Treasurer
Weesie Poole, Chaplain
Lenna Fox Smith, President Ex Officio